Hello, my name is Rae Bednar and this is my first semester being and RA. I knew before I even came to campus that I wanted to be a RA. It seemed like a job that would make my college experience even more memorable. I became a RA to help with my ability to learn and remember names. Also to work on improving my social skills, as I do get anxious; I thought that this job would help to push me outside of my comfort zone to better myself. I am very grateful to everyone who has helped me while getting used to my new position.


Where is your favorite place on campus?

One thing that has helped me since I’ve come to campus is my favorite place to read. It is in the tree in the lake by the personal kayak launch.


What is one piece of advice or information you’d give to your fellow students?

Take time for yourself. Getting work done and hanging out with friends are important, but so are you. Remember to set some time aside just for yourself and relax.


What is one piece of advice or information that you’d give to faculty and staff?

To the faculty and staff, I would love to encourage you to continue to listen to your students. We appreciate all of the work that you do and would enjoy being able to maintain this close bond with you.

Hi, my name is Katherine Gale, I am a sophomore Environmental Science major and I am the Resident Assistant in Clinton. This is my first semester as a RA and I could not love it more. I learned what a RA was before I even came to college and even then I knew that I wanted to be one. I really wanted this position not only because I’m extroverted and I love crafts, but because I feel it is my obligation to help others whenever I am able to.


Where is your favorite place on campus?

I have many favorite places on campus, but I can narrow it down to two. I love the section of woods directly behind Pickett, it’s a great place to sit for a minute and listen to the birds sing if you are having a rough day. My other favorite place is the fallen trees on the edge of the lake next to the walkway to Blum. I always enjoy sitting on them and watching the wildlife in the water.


What is one piece of advice or information you’d give to your fellow students?

My word of advice would be to remember why you are here. This is the part of your life where you are gaining the knowledge and training for your future career. All those stressful nights will someday pay off. All the conflict and drama in your social life will one day be meaningless. Though your workload may be heavy, try to enjoy learning your subjects, especially if your major is your passion.


What is one piece of advice or information that you’d give to faculty and staff?
I would like to remind faculty and staff to remember what we students have on our plate. We have so many more responsibilities beyond just the classroom. I would also like to thank the faculty, especially the professors in the science department, who inspire me everyday, and remind me why I strive to be a scientist.


Hi I’m AnneMarie Cain. I’m a junior in the Pastry Arts and Service Management. I am Student Government President, secretary of the Medical Emergency Response Team, and I am also a resident assistant in LMS. I decided to get into student leadership because I wanted to see a change. I want to be that change. I want to be a leader for other students to look up to.


Where is your favorite place on campus?

My favorite place on campus is sitting on the beach in my hammock. It’s my little piece of Florida-home that I can get away to.


What is one piece of advice or information you’d give to your fellow students?

A piece of advice I could give to fellow Smitties is to pursue your dreams. Do not let anything stand in your way. There’s always a way.


What is one piece of advice or information that you’d give to faculty and staff?

My piece of advice to faculty and staff is to keep your heads up. I understand you have students that really like you but you will also have students who really dislike you. You’re here to teach and lead us, but also work with us. We appreciate you.