Paul Smith’s College Students Train Saranac Lake High School Students to Stop the Bleed

Jun 7, 2023 | News

Saranac Lake, NY – Members of the Paul Smith’s College Emergency Management Students Association recently took over tenth grade health classes at Saranac Lake High School to teach the Stop the Bleed course developed by the American College of Surgeons.

Equipped with fake wounded limbs which they made themselves, the college students supervised the high schoolers in the four steps to save a life: protect yourself, alert 911, find the bleed, and compress. Students received national Stop the Bleed certification, approved by PSCEMSA faculty advisor Chris Sheach.

PSCEMA is a student association at Paul Smith’s College made up of students in the Disaster Management and Response program and those interested in first responder careers. A new program at Paul Smith’s College, it trains students in both hands-on technical skills, such as emergency medicine, firefighting and technical rescue, as well as leadership, management and the foundations of state and federal emergency management policy and process.

“It was cool to take what we have learned and teach other students how to save a life. A person with a serious injury might not make it until professional help arrives, without someone to help stop the bleed,” said Bailey Fearon, a freshman in the PSC Disaster Management and Response program, and Public Information officer for PSCEMSA.

“The students were really engaged, and it was great to see hands on peer learning. This collaboration with Paul Smith’s College gives our students practical experience that they can use at home, with friends, or at a summer job,” said Katie O’Reilly Alexanian, who teaches health classes at SLHS.

The interaction also benefits the PSC students. “Getting the college students to apply their learning makes it more real for them and builds their confidence to be leaders in the North Country and beyond,” said PSCEMSA faculty advisor Chris Sheach. National Stop the Bleed Day was May 25, 2023 and PSCEMSA also turned to social media to raise awareness of the importance of this training.

For immediate release:
Media Contact:  Nicole Feml


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